

We provide both in-house and on-site training. Our training composes of more than 10 standard courses which have been repeated more than a hundred time altogether in a year. Training courses are ranged from beginning to advance. Each of classes can support up to 22 trainees. To make our training more effective, we provide a real training kit for our trainees to study in pair.

Our training engineers have the real experience on-site service as well as joining the training aboard which conducted by MITSUBISHI. Directly know-how transferring can ensure that our training engineer will deliver all up-to-date technique to our trainees.

Training Calendar

Please refer to Training Calendar for details.
Training Calendar


This course has been set up for the beginner who is interesting and would like to know the basic knowledge of PLC. Trainees of this course will acquire basic knowledge of PLC which will be advantage in model selection and using PLC. Moreover, the trainees will be able to check and troubleshoot the basic problems once there are any problems occur.

In this course, the trainees will study from and use the real equipment. Therefore this will be one of the best opportunities for trainee to have direct experience with PLC.

Course syllabus
  1. Background and functions of PLC
  2. PLC fundamental, structure and type of PLC
  3. How to select the most appropriate PLC model
  4. Principles and steps of using PLC
  5. Design PLC system control and PLC's programming
  6. Basic PLC equipment (Input, Output, Internal Relay, Timer and Counter)
  7. How to use GX Works 2 Software?
    • Software installation
    • Basic and advance commands
    • PLC read/write
    • Monitoring PLC, PLC status
    • Checking error code
  1. Basic knowledge in electrical system or experience in measuring or controlling system.
  2. Basic skill in computer and English
Provided equipment PLC kit set (FX-Series, and Q-Series PLC) 16 sets
Training Session Info 09:00-16:30 (Registration 08:30)
Days 2
Trainee/class 32Trainees (2Trainees/kit set)

Remark:Course detail may be changed without prior notice


This course has been set up for the advancer who is interested and would like to know the advance knowledge of PLC. Trainees of this course will apply knowledge of PLC which will be advantage in model selection and using a special module of PLC Q series. Moreover, the trainees will be able to check and troubleshoot the problems once there are any problems occur.

In this course, the trainees will study from and use the real equipment from our kit set.

Therefore this will be one of the best opportunities for trainee to have direct experience in this course.

Course syllabus
  1. 'Mitsubishi PLC' FX-Series, A-Series and Q-Series hardware, including special modules
  2. Special commands;
    • Transferring data command
    • Transforming data command
    • Comparing value of data command
    • Calculation command for both integer and decimal
  3. Programming design technique using advance commands
  4. Inspection and troubleshoot technique for errors
  5. Analog modules- special modules for analog signal input/output
  1. Complete PLC101 course (Basic PLC) or have basic PLC's knowledge and have experiences in GX Works2 software.
  2. Basic skills in computer and English.
Provided equipment PLC simulation kit (Q-Series) 15 sets
Training Session Info 09:00-16:30 (Registration 08:30)
Days 3
Trainee/class 30 Trainees (2Trainees/kit set)

Remark:Course detail may be changed without prior notice

MX Sheet (MXS201-FA09ENG)

This purpose of this course is to introduce how to use Microsoft excel with PLC in order to send and receive data in each form by using MX Component as a medium which is really famous in nowadays.

In this course, the trainees will be able to send and receive data through each different communication system. This course will concentrate on the systems those have international standard and Mitsubishi PLC network system. Those data in Microsoft excel can be managed in order to utilize the benefit of data in real production.

Course syllabus
  1. Communication system of Mitsubishi PLC
  2. How to use MX Component and MX Sheet program
  3. How to use Microsoft Excel to send and receive data with PLC through MX Component software
  1. Prerequisite of GX Developer (GXD101) course or basic knowledge of GX Developer
  2. Basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel and English language
Provided equipment Demo kits of PLC (FX Series , Q Series) 16 sets
Training Session Info Training Time: 09.00-16.30 (Please present before the session begin for 30 minutes to register)
Days 1
Trainee/class 32 Trainees (2 Trainees/kit set)

Remark:Course detail may be changed without prior notice

Data Logger (DTL301-MELFT13)

This course suites for users who are interesting in using High speed data logger for logging FX-Series or Q-Series PLC data by using logging Function, GX Logviewer and High Speed Data Logger Module Configuration Tool as a medium.

This course, the trainees will able to receive data through the Ethernet communication. This course will introduce the PLC data collection then displaying in graph format, concentrate on the systems those have Mitsubishi-International-Standard PLC network. Those data in the software will help to analysis the operation for the maintenances.

Course syllabus
  1. Data Logger Module in PLC Q Series
  2. How to use Logging Function program?
  1. Complete PLC201 course (Advance PLC) or have advanced PLC's knowledge and have experiences in GX Works2 software.
  2. Basic skills in computer and English.
  3. Basic knowledge in Microsoft Excel software.
Provided equipment PLC simulation kit (Q-Series) and QD81DL96 6 sets
Training Session Info 09:00-16:30 (Registration 08:30)
Days 1
Trainee/class 12 Trainees (2 Trainees/kit set)

Remark:Course detail may be changed without prior notice

CC Link IE Control (CCIEC301-MELFT16)

This course sets up for people who would like to know how to utilize PLC into network as connectivity in Control Level Network or as known as CC-Link IE Control. Nowadays, the factory automation system is needed for every factory in which need the conformity of each production line. Therefore, it is essential to connect PLCs of each process into network system in order to transfer data with the speed up to 1 GB to enhance production efficiency. Furthermore CC-Link IE Control is one of network system standard which convenient to use, highly reliable and easy for troubleshooting.

In this course, you will learn principal of CC-Link IE Control network system which enable the communication among Mitsubishi PLC, Configuration of PLC Parameter and PLC programming to send-receive data between PLCs in the network. Moreover, you will know how to improve existing network with current technology to be more efficient.

Course syllabus
  1. Basic of PLC network implementation
  2. PLC and CPU's characteristic in each network system
  3. PLC qualification and required equipment for setting up each type of PLC network system
  4. Introducing module to link the network and switch configuration
  5. How to set parameter?
  6. How to investigate and fix the network problem?
  7. How to link remote I/O in the network?
  8. How to use the network system in advance level?
  9. How to change the old system to the new network system?
  1. Complete PLC201 course (Advance PLC) or have advanced PLC's knowledge and have experiences in GX Works2 software.
  2. Basic skills in computer and English.
Provided equipment PLC (A-Series, Q-Series) and MelsecNet 8 sets
Training Session Info 09:00-16:30 (Registration 08:30)
Days 2
Trainee/class 16 Trainees (2 Trainees/kit set)

Remark:Course detail may be changed without prior notice

CC-Link IE Field (CCIEF301-MELFT16) NEW

This course will instruct about how to apply Industrial Ethernet to control thourgh high-speed network (1Gbps/Sec) which also known as CC-Link IE Field network system. CC-Link IE Field has been more famous in automation production system in many factories since it is a high effeciency system which encourage to reduce TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) in wiring aspect by using Cat-5e cables which easy to find in the market. Furthermore, the system has standard which highly reliable and easy for troubleshooting.

In this course, you will learn how to control devices by distance network as CC-Link IE Field as well as programming and parameter configuration in order to use with other external devices such as Remote Input/Output (Both digital and analog). Besides, you will understand the communication between PLCs by local station data interchange. Furthermore, you will know how to investigate the initial causes of CC-Link IE Field when it errors.

Course syllabus
  1. Principal and structure of CC-Link IE Field
  2. Parameter setting in CC-Link IE Field system
  3. How to indentif position of devices such as Remote Input/ Output including analog module.
  4. Communication between Master station and Remote/Local Station.
  5. Troubleshooting
  1. Complete PLC201 course (Advance PLC) or have advanced PLC's knowledge and have experiences in GX Works2 software.
  2. Basic skills in computer and English
Provided equipment Demo kits of CC-Link IE Field (PLC Q-Series) 6 Sets
Training Session Info 09:00-16:30 (Registration 08:30)
Days 2
Trainee/class 12 Trainees (2 Trainees/kit set)

Remark:Course detail may be changed without prior notice

CC-Link (CCL301-MELFT13)

This course suits for people who are interesting in PLC Remote station connecting technique by linking system (Device Level Network) using CC-LINK network which is standard network system for remote controlling and widely used nowadays.

Course syllabus
  1. Basic knowledge and system structure of CC-LINK.
  2. Parameter setting of CC-LINK.
  3. How to use data in buffer memory?
  4. How to specify the position of Remote I/O(Rx,Ry,RWr ,RWw)?
  5. Programming technique for communicating between master and remote stations.
    • Remote I/O Station
    • Remote Device Station
    • Intelligent Device Station
  6. Investigate errors from CC-LINK network.
  1. Complete PLC201 course (Advance PLC) or have advanced PLC's knowledge and have experiences in GX Works2 software.
  2. Basic skills in computer and English.
Provided equipment PLC simulation kit Q-Series and CC-LINK 9 sets
Training Session Info 09:00-16:30 (Registration 08:30)
Days 2
Trainee/class 18 Trainees (2 Trainee/kit set)

Remark:Course detail may be changed without prior notice

Motion Controller (QMO401-FA09ENG)

This course suites for users who are interesting in how to use Servomotor in basic level? , and component of Q-series motion controller. Furthermore, the trainees will be able to design and implement program to control the motion controller as well as investigate and fix the basic problem.

In this course, the trainees will be able to use MT Developer to implement program for motion controller as well.

Course syllabus
  1. Differences of Motion controller
  2. Structure of Q Series motion controller
  3. How to use motion controller?
  4. How to design and implement program both real and virtual mode?
  5. How to use MT Developer program?
    • Basic and advance command
    • Read/Write program from computer to motion controller
    • How to monitor the working status of each equipment?
    • How to investigate and fix the problem once motion control does not work properly?
  1. PLC101 Basic PLC course, basic PLC knowledge and basic skill of using GX Developer or GX Works2.
  2. SVO301 Servo course, basic Servo knowledge.
  3. Basic knowledge of electricity or experience in measure and controlling system
  4. Basic skills in computer and English
Provided equipment Mitsubishi Q-Series Motion controller and Servo Motor (MR-J2S) 4 sets
Training Session Info 09.00-16.30 (Registration 08:30)
Days 3
Trainee/class 8 Trainees (2 Trainees/kit set)

Remark:Course detail may be changed without prior notice

Servo Fundamental (SVO301-FA09ENG)

This course suits for people who are interesting in servo system or currently use servo system which will start from the basic knowledge of servo system – A Closed-Loop Control system for controlling speed and position. Moreover, trainees will be able to apply this knowledge into manufacturing functions that require dynamic of speed, acceleration, torque and position to be more accurately in shorter time.

In this course, the trainees will be educated the fundamental theory of servo motor, servo amplifier selection technique, network connecting and status display system. Furthermore, the trainees will have experiences of real practice in the class.

Course syllabus
  1. Basic functions of Servo system
  2. Method of servo amplifier model selection to work well with servo motor
  3. Structure of servo system and linking technique
  4. Parameter settings
  5. Monitoring servo status
  6. Specify ZERO position of servo motor
  7. Apply servo motor with different applications
  8. PLC Programming to control Servo motor
  1. PLC101 Basic PLC course, basic PLC knowledge and basic skill of using GX Developer or GX Works2.
  2. Basic knowledge of electricity or experience in measuring and controlling system.
  3. Basic skills in computer and English.
Provided equipment Servo motor (MR-J4) and PLC(FX3U) 10 sets
Training Session Info 09:00-16:30 (Registration 08:30)
Days 2
Trainee/class 20 Trainees (2 Trainees/kit set)

Remark:Course detail may be changed without prior notice

P.M Servo (PMS201-MELFT16) NEW

This course has been set up for people who aim to learn how to maintenance and repair servo motor. Nowadays, most of production system use servo motor as a part of producing process since it has a high accuracy and effifient. Therefore, it is really importance for the user to know how to fix and maintenance in the right way.

In this course, you will learn how to install servo motor, safety pre-caution, including parameter setting that appropriate for each kind of job particularly including how to troubleshoot the problem that occurs with servo motor.

Course syllabus
  1. How to use MR-Configurator to analyze errors.
  2. Troubleshooting
  3. Noise reduction technique
  4. Insallation and safety pre-caution
  5. Parameter introduction.
  1. Complete Basic Servo (SVO301) or Motion Controller (QMO401-MELFT13)
Provided equipment Demo kits of P.M. Servo 5 Sets
Training Session Info 09:00-16:30 (Registration 08:30)
Days 1
Trainee/class 10 Trainees (2 Trainees/kit set)

Remark:Course detail may be changed without prior notice

Basic Inverter (INV101-MELFT13)

This course is suite for people who are interesting in controlling motor speed or currently using inverter. In this course, trainees will understand the principle of speed controlling and how to apply it into practice by using inverter which has been used in various industries. There are several reasons that make inverter famous, ease of use, simple, variety of choices, high quality and energy saving.

Course syllabus
  1. How to use inverter to control motor speed?
  2. Performance of motor after being controlled by inverter.
  3. Inverter model selection.
  4. Component of inverter.
  5. Inverter installation.
  6. Inverter configuration.
  7. Replacing old inverter with a new model.
  8. Inverter accessories
  9. Inverter diagnostic
  10. How to deal with noise?
  1. Basic knowledge of electricity or experience in measuring and controlling system.
  2. Basic skills in computer and English.
Provided equipment Inverter (A800-Series) 8 sets
Training Session Info 09:00-16:30 (Registration 08:30)
Days 2
Trainee/class 14 Trainees (2 Trainees/kit set)

Remark:Course detail may be changed without prior notice

Advance Inverter (ADI201-MELFT2016) NEW

The purpose of this course is to increase knowledge of inverter users to advance level. Nowadays, inverter has play a big role in manufacturing production which help the manufacturer to reduce cost by saving energy.

In this course, you will learn mainly about PLC function in Inverter A800 Series, parameter setting to be appropriate with particular job. More than that, you will learn ladder programming in inverter in order to control speed of the motor through FR-Configurator 2.

Course syllabus
  1. Inverter PLC function
  2. Wiring Inverter of PLC function in inverter
  3. Parameter setting of PLC function in inverter
  4. Programming and installation of inverter software (FR-Cofigurator2)
  5. Ladder programming of PLC function
  6. Relay device and special data for PLC function in inverter
  7. Analyze and Troubleshooting
  1. Complete both of basic PLC (PLC101) and Advance PLC (PLC201)
  2. Complete basic inverter (INV101)
Provided equipment Demo kits of Inverter A800 8 sets
Training Session Info 09:00-16:30 (Registration 08:30)
Days 1
Trainee/class 16 Trainees (2 Trainees/kit set)

Remark:Course detail may be changed without prior notice

P.M Inverter (PMS201-MELFT16) NEW

The purpose of this course is to encourage user to do the maintenance of inverter by themselves. Nowadays, inverter has play a big role in manufacturing production which help the manufacturer to reduce cost by saving energy. Therefore it cannot be denied that to know how to maintain and repair inverter is really important.

In this course, you will learn how to check and maintain inverter including safety pre-caution, parameter setting and troubleshooting of inverter.

Course syllabus
  1. Maintenance of inverter
  2. How to check internal detection system of inverter
  3. Introduction of inverter software (FR-Configurator2)
  4. Parameter setting of inverter protective function by FR-Configurator2
  5. Analyze and Troubleshooting of Inverter
  1. Complete PLC201 course (Advance PLC) or have advanced PLC's knowledge and have experiences in GX Works2 software.
  2. Basic skills in computer and English
Provided equipment Demo Kits of Inverter 5 sets
Training Session Info 09:00-16:30 (Registration 08:30)
Days 1
Trainee/class 10 Trainees (2 Trainees/kit set)

Remark:Course detail may be changed without prior notice

Basic GOT ( GOT201-MELFT13 )

This course suits for people who are interesting in GOT which is one of the most popular Human Machine Interface (HMI) that used as input/output to interact between machine and user. Nowadays, GOT is really famous in factories. This is because of the convenience of use and high efficiency.

In this course, the trainees will be able to use GOT and have a knowledge in model selection that will be the best for their applications, communication setting between GOT and PLC. Moreover, the trainees will be able to design and create status display by using GT Designer3.

Course syllabus
  1. HMI fundamental
  2. Type of GOT and Model selection technique
  3. How to use GT-Designer3 and GT-Simulator?
  4. How to setup the operating system for GOT and to communicate GOT with PLC
  5. Creating digital (Bit) device display and analog (Word) device display.
  6. Creating alarm history display.
  7. Creating line graph display.
  8. Safety controlling technique
  1. Complete PLC201 course (Advance PLC) or have advanced PLC's knowledge and have experiences in GX Works2 software.
  2. Basic skills in computer and English.
Provided equipment PLC simulation kit(FX-Series, L-Series ) and GOT 16 sets
Training Session Info 09:00-16:30 (Registration 08:30)
Days 2
Trainee/class 32 Trainees (2 Trainees/kit set)

Remark:Course detail may be changed without prior notice

Advance GOT (ADG201-MELFT2016) NEW

This course has been set up for the HMI user who would to enhance their skill to advance level. In the meantime, many manufactureres has use HMI device to control the process that complicate and in sequence. Consequently, new model of HMI has been developed their function to meet user's requirement which those function will be outer from general functions.

In this course, you will gain knowledge of special function of HMI (GOT2000 Series) and able to select appropriate model for particular job. Furthermore, you will be able to connect PLC with GOT throught network system as well as interface designer by GT Designer 3

Course syllabus
  1. Comparison between GOT1000 and GOT2000
  2. Parameter setting of GOT 2000 (advance function)
  3. Maintenance function of GOT2000
  4. Advance Alarm function
  5. Analyse and troubleshooting when GOT2000 has problems
  1. Complete Basic GOT (GOT201)
Provided equipment Demo Kits of PLC & GOT 7 sets
Training Session Info 09:00-16:30 (Registration 08:30)
Days 2
Trainee/class 14 Trainees (2 Trainees/kit set)

Remark:Course detail may be changed without prior notice


This course has been set up for people who are interested to learn fundamental structure of SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) which is a famous system that use of cost maangement and improve production quality. SCADA also provides features of real-time database and able to analyze data to indentify cause of error in producing process.

Course syllabus
  1. SCADA Structure and concept
  2. Essences of SCADA in production system
  3. Structure and function of MC Works64 (Software)
  4. Interface design by GraphWorks64
  5. Alarm display design by AlarmWorks64
  6. Report design as trend graphs by TrendWorks64
  7. How to use MX-OPC Server
  8. How to connect PLC with MC Works64
  1. Complete PLC201 course (Advance PLC) or have advanced PLC's knowledge and have experiences in GX Works2 software.
  2. Basic skills in computer and English
Provided equipment Demo kits of PLC (Q-Series) 7 Sets
Training Session Info 09:00-16:30 (Registration 08:30)
Days 2
Trainee/class 14 Trainees (2 Trainees/kit set)

Remark:Course detail may be changed without prior notice